SHALOM ISRAEL! !שלום ישראל
Baruchim HaBaim! Welcome to our Israel Curriculum! Here you will find stories and activities related to Israel as we celebrate Israel's birthday - Yom HaAtzmaut! This year Israel will be 73 years old!
Choose one book and activity combo per day as you explore different aspects of Israel. Each day's activities will include an Israeli dance, Hebrew song, and Hebrew lesson as well as some fun suggestions to try at home.
If you want to explore Israeli music and culture with some help from the Web, click the links at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!
Choose one book and activity combo per day as you explore different aspects of Israel. Each day's activities will include an Israeli dance, Hebrew song, and Hebrew lesson as well as some fun suggestions to try at home.
If you want to explore Israeli music and culture with some help from the Web, click the links at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!
Check out the view from the Kotel (Western Wall of the Temple in Jerusalem.) This live cam shows what is going on there right now. Remember, Israel is 10 hours ahead of us!
Want to hear some children's songs from Israel? Check out Yeldut Yisraeli:
Take a virtual tour of some of the cities and popular areas in Israel. Scroll down and click on a "Post Card from Israel" for a quick tour.
Every evening in Israel, people go out to their balconies to applaud the health care workers. Here is a taste of what happens in Jerusalem.
The Ministry of Tourism has a beautiful photo gallery.
Explore with Google Earth! Start with Jerusalem.
Want to hear some children's songs from Israel? Check out Yeldut Yisraeli:
Take a virtual tour of some of the cities and popular areas in Israel. Scroll down and click on a "Post Card from Israel" for a quick tour.
Every evening in Israel, people go out to their balconies to applaud the health care workers. Here is a taste of what happens in Jerusalem.
The Ministry of Tourism has a beautiful photo gallery.
Explore with Google Earth! Start with Jerusalem.