The PTS teachers are issuing a daily challenge to all preschoolers! Look here for the details and post a picture of your preschoolers work to our private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/598859537335982/
Choose a challenge a day from the list below and enjoy!
Friday, June 5
Exercise HIIT Work Out Style!
You Will Need: -Your bodies -A timer Challenge: Set an interval timer and complete each animal movement for 45 seconds, with 15 seconds of rest in between. Do as many as you can. Frog Jumps – Hop back and forth like a frog Bear Walk – Hand & Feet on the floor, hips high – walk left and right Gorilla Shuffle – Sink into a low sumo squat, with hands on the floor, shuffle around the room Starfish Jumps – Jumping jacks as fast as you can, with arms and legs spread wide Cheetah Run – Run in place, as FAST as you can! Just like the fastest animal in theSahara Crab Crawl – Sit and place your palms flat on the floor behind you near your hips. Lift up off the ground and crawl. Elephant Stomps – March in place lifting your knees as high as you can Development: self-regulation, gross motor, motor planning |
Thursday, June 4
Wednesday, June 3
Tuesday, June 2
Play some games together
You Will Need: -Your bodies Challenge: Play some games together Follow My Clap – the leader creates a clapping pattern, the followers listen and repeat. Take turns as leader and follower. Ready, Set, Wiggle– the leader calls out Ready… Set… Wiggle! And everyone wiggles their bodies. The leader calls out Ready… Set… Watermelon! (or any other word beside wiggle) And no one should move. Be sure to wait for the word wiggle before moving! Loud or Quiet – Pick an action like stomping feet. If the leader says, “Loud”, stomp loudly; if the leader says, “quiet”, stomp quietly. Choose your next action and repeat. Development: self-regulation, gross motor, motor planning |
Monday, June 1
Shavuot! You Will Need: -Your imagination Challenge: We just celebrated the holiday of Shavuot, the giving of the Torah. It is traditional to eat dairy foods to celebrate the “land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:8) that was promised to the Israelites. What would you eat to celebrate? Can you make it and eat it? Development: language development, nutritional awareness, cultural awareness |
Friday, May 29
Animal Parade
You Will Need: ~Tape ~Toy animals Challenge: Make a parade route on the floor with your tape. Line your animals up on the tape for an animal parade. The line can be straight or have bends like real streets. Where will your animals march? Will they sing as they go? How many are on the parade? Development: fine motor, motor planning, imagination, counting with 1-1 correspondence |
Thursday, May 28
Exploring Measurement Challenge
You will need: Common objects found in your home that you can measure with such as-
Challenge: Use different objects to measure yourself or things in your home. How many crayons tall are you? How many spoons tall are you? Is it the same amount? Measure your bed, your stuffed animals etc. Try and guess your measurement. Development: Observations, comparisons, hypotheses, counting skills |
Wednesday, May 27
I Spy Sensory Bag Challenge
You will need:
Challenge: What do you spy in your bag? Development: Sensory exploration, letter/shape recognition. |
Tuesday, May 26
Magic letter or shape challenge
You will need:
Have an adult write or draw anything on a piece of white paper with a white crayon. As your child paints over the paper, the magic letters or objects will appear. Challenge: What letters, shapes or objects can you find on your paper? Development: Letter and shape recognition. |
Monday, May 25
Friday, May 22
Rubber Band Challenge
You will need:
Challenge: How many rubber bands can you put on your can? Can you count them as you take them off? Is there a way to sort them by size or color? Development: Fine motor, cognitive, problem solving, number and spatial sense. |
Thursday, May 21
Nature Inspired Self Portrait
You Will Need: ~Egg Carton (for your collection) ~Piece of Paper or Carboard (for your base) ~Leaves, Rocks, Flowers Challenge: Collect things from outside like leaves, rocks, bark, flowers, seed pods. Sort the collection in the egg carton. Use a piece of paper or carboard as your base. Create a picture of you or someone that you love. Development: fine motor, appreciating similarities and differences, sorting skills, creativity, love of nature |
Wednesday, May 20
You Will Need: ~Dandelions ~Pre-cut and poke holes in a shaped cardboard (I cut a heart) (...this is a job for an adult) ~Scissors to cut the stems Challenge: Thread the dandelions through each hole of the cardboard. Have fun! You can make lots of different shapes . Development: fine motor skills, planning, eye-hand coordination, creativity, and shape recognition. |
Tuesday, May 19
Movement for Writing
You will need- -chalk -driveway or sideway for drawing Challenge- draw the Five Basic Strokes for Pre-Writing. How can you move on these? Can you tip-toe on the circle? Hop down the standing line? Crawl on the sleeping line? Side-step on one diagonal line and spin down the other? What other ways can you move on these shapes? Establish a pattern and repeat it. Development- gross motor, pre-reading skills, pre-writing skills, balance, self-regulation |
Monday, May 18
Cardboard Puppets
You will need- -toilet paper tube or paper towel roll -things to draw with like markers, pens, crayons -a napkin, tissue, or yarn for hair Challenge- Can you make a puppet out of a cardboard roll? What facial expression will you draw? Can you make two and put on a puppet show? Where will your puppets go? To the park? The beach? Development- fine motor, oral fluency, critical thinking skills, communication skills, motor planning, imagination |
Friday, May 15, 2020
You will need:
-items you don't normally paint with - flowers, string, rubber bands, blades of grass tied together, etc. -paint -a container to hold the paint big enough to dip your found items -paper Challenge: Find things you wouldn't normally paint with and experiment. What kind of techniques are you using to make marks and designs on the paper? Can the items be used in more than one way? Development: sensory activity, motor planning, creativity, problem solving |
Thursday, May 14, 2020
You will need:
Challenge: Create a Solar System. Paint your cotton balls any color you wish to make your planets. Draw orbit lines with your pencil onto your construction paper. When your planets dry, glue them to the orbit lines on your paper. Enjoy your solar system! Which planet is your favorite? What else can be in your solar system? Development: creativity, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination |
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Scribble Color Challenge
You Will Need: ~Black Felt Pen ~Assorted Crayons ~Paper Challenge: Make one big scribble with the black pen on your paper. Your scribble should be jagged, loopy or both. Next, use the inside space of each scribble as a coloring space. The lines that you scribble serve as little picture frames for your colors. Development: fine motor, planning, eye-hand coordination, creativity |
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
You will need-
-colander -pipe cleaner or string Challenge- thread the pipe cleaners through the holes in the colander. Can you make some fun designs? Find a plastic spider, or make one out of pipe cleaners to play in the “web” you’ve made. Maybe it’s not a web, but a dense forest. Maybe some animals want to play. Development- fine motor, concentration, hand/eye coordination, problem solving, motor planning |
Monday, May 11, 2020
You will need-
~Apples ~Knife ~Toothpicks ~ Paper plate (Optional) Challenge: Cut the apples in half and flip them upside down. This makes it easy to slice the apples into relatively flat pieces. Cut them into smaller “building blocks.” Put a piece of apple on the toothpick and start building! When you are done, eat your apple tower (not the toothpicks!) Development: fine motor control, planning, eye-hand coordination, balance |
Friday, May 8, 2020
You will need:
Who lives there? What else is going on under the sea? Development: creativity, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, oral fluency |
Thursday, May 7, 2020
You will need:
- A car - Hose - Sponge-rags - Spray bottle - fill with water Challenge: Cleaning car exterior Whilst cleaning the car, adult in charge can ask the child questions like- Show where the lights are; how many windows does the car have? What shape are they? Let the child hold the hose, describe the flow, is water fast or slow? While wiping the car with rags or sponge, wipe up-down-in shapes- left and right. Cleaning car interior Wipe down seats - how many seats are there? How many seatbelts? Where is the steering wheel? Development: gross motor skills, verbal/vocabulary skills, math, literacy |
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
You will need-
- jar - small craft pom poms/cotton balls, or something that will fit in your jar - index cards - coins Challenge: Place some coins on the index card. Each pom pom costs one coin. How many pom poms can you “purchase”? Match the pom poms to the coins and count them. How many pom poms did you buy? Put a new number of coins on your index card and begin again. Development- sensory experience, counting, fine motor skills |
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
You will need-
⁃ white board or piece of paper to write or draw shapes, letters and numbers -marker ⁃ pretzel sticks and pretzel rings Challenge- Create letters, numbers, and shapes using pretzel sticks and pretzel rings. How many can you make? Can you count aloud up to 10? Development: critical thinking, math and literacy skills, fine motor |
Monday, May 4, 2020
You will need-
- paper - crayons/makers/something to draw with Challenge: Create a note to your teacher for Teacher Appreciation Day. Use the sample below or create your own. How will you decorate the card? What do you want to say to your teacher? Development- print motivation and awareness, creativity, fine motor skills, caring |
Friday, May 1, 2020
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
You will need-
-a tray -items from nature -small people – wooden or lego -small animals Challenge- Create a small world with items you find outside or in your home. Have the animals and people act out different stories. Will the animals save the people and be their super heros? Will the people have a picnic and invite the animals? Want more? Write down one of your stories (or have a grown up write it for you) and illustrate it. Development- fine motor, creativity, language building, hand-eye coordination, oral fluency, print motivation |
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
You will need-
-10 Rocks about the same size -Paint -Paint brush -Chalk or tape Paint 5 rocks one color and 5 rocks a different color. Challenge- Make a pattern with the rocks alternating each color. Try a different pattern. Want more? Paint pictures on the rocks – I did ladybugs and worms and then tried some flowers. Make patterns with these. Want to try a game? Use the tape or chalk to make a tic tac toe board and play. Development- fine motor, pattern recognition, creativity, language building, self regulation |
Monday, April 27, 2020
You will need- -Paper -Markers -Small objects (cars, blocks or even you finger) On paper, draw a line/track. Draw different lines or shapes for your finger or objects to follow Challenge- Follow a track with your finger or the small object. Want a bigger challenge? Use both hands and put your fingers or place small cars on the paper and trace the lines or shapes at the same time. Start with the same lines and shapes first. Then increase the difficulty with pairing the paper with different shapes and lines. Ready? Have fun! Development- fine motor, concentration, spacial relations, problem solving, eye/hand coordination |
Friday, April 24, 2020
Thursday, April 23, 2020
You will need- -Tape -Straws -Pennies or marbles -Plastic cup Challenge- Design and build a bridge that is capable of supporting a plastic cup. Want more? Add marbles/pennies one at a time to see how many marbles or pennies your bridge can support. Development- critical thinking, engineering and problem solving. |
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
PTS challenge of the day!
You will need- -a tablespoon -a ball -start line -finish line Challenge – Can you carry the ball on the tablespoon from the start line to the finish line? Want more of a challenge? See how fast you can carry the ball without dropping it. Development – gross motor, concentration, eye-hand coordination, and balance! |
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
You will need- -flask or bottle -vegetable oil -water -food coloring -Alka-Seltzer What You Do: 1. Fill the flask half way with water. 2. Add a few drops of food coloring; your choice of color. The food coloring is water-based, so it will sink and color the water that is now at the bottom of the flask. 3. Fill the rest of the flask with oil. The water will sink to the bottom under the oil. Challenge- What do you think will happen when you add a small piece of the Alka-Seltzer? Break an Alka-Seltzer tablet into a few small pieces, and drop them in the flask one at a time. Observe your lava lamp. Want more? As the reaction slows down, add more Alka-Seltzer or more colors to the flask. Can you draw a picture describing what you see? Have fun! Development- fine motor, self-regulation, scientific thinking |
Monday, April 20, 2020
You will need- -Leaves of different shapes -Paint and brushes -markers -stickers -glue -A container Challenge- Decorate as many leaves you can. How many different ways can you decorate them? What is your favorite way to decorate them? Do some decorations work better than others? When your leaves are dry, store them in your container to make a beautiful centerpiece. Ready? Have fun! Development: creativity, fine motor, problem solving, spatial awareness |
Friday, April 17, 2020
You will need- -1 fresh egg -I glass or jar -White vinegar 1. Put the egg in the glass or jar. 2. Cover the egg with vinegar. Leave the egg in the vinegar for 24 hrs. If the Shell is not completely dissolved, take out the vinegar and put in fresh vinegar for another day. Challenge- Follow all the step for the experiment then observe the egg. You will need to come back to it for a day or two and check out the changes. What is happening? (The shell of the egg will have dissolved, and you will have a rubber ball. Don’t bounce the egg to hard or it will break!) Ready? Have fun! Development: Scientific thinking, concentration, observation, language and vocabulary building |
Thursday, April 16, 2020
PTS Challenge of the Day - Fort Building
You will need- -sheets/blankets, -Chairs -Thumbtacks or something to hold the blankets in place -Decorations of your choice :) Challenge- Can you build a fort? How many sheets or blankets did you use? Try to see how long it can stay up before falling down! Development: fine motor, gross motor, social/emotional development, creativity, engineering |
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Challenge of the day
You will need- -rocks of different shapes and sizes -sticks -a sharpie marker. Challenge- Choose some rocks to be used as heads, draw faces on them. Begin to connect rocks and sticks to build body shapes. I challenge you to make your family members and pet! Use your imagination and creativity to make anything you wish and then create a story with your characters. Ready? Have fun! Development- imagination, concentration, hand-eye coordination, literacy, social/emotional development |
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
You will need- - empty egg carton - markers or crayons - yarn, pipe cleaners, tape or glue - scissors (with adult supervision) Cover work surface with paper. Challenge- What can you make with an egg carton? Will you separate each egg cup or keep some connected? Will you turn it upside down? Will you string some together? What spring animals or flowers can you make? I made a frog and a turtle because I was in a green mood. Development- fine motor, creativity, engineering, problem solving |
Monday, April 13, 2020
You will need-
-choose an area inside or outside your house for finding items -find a spot to place your gathered items -put things away when you are done Challenge- How many yellow items can you find in your house? Want to extend the fun? Now find red items and then blue items. Keep your piles separate. Can you regroup the items? How? Ready? Have fun! Please post pictures of all the yellow (red, blue) items you find below by replying to this post. I look forward to seeing your creativity! Development- gross motor, mathematical thinking, problem solving |
Friday, April 10, 2020
You will need- -Paint brush -Bowl or Bucket -Water Put water in the bowl. Find an outdoor area to paint with water. Challenge- How many boards on the fence can you paint? Can you paint a big area on the side of your house? What happens to the area you are painting - does it change? How? What happens over time – does it change? Ready? Have fun! Development- gross motor, observation, sensory, cause and effect, hand-eye coordination |
Thursday, April 9, 2020 - Happy Passover!
You will need- -pencil -paper -blindfold (optional) Drawing from memory Challenge-This challenge can be played a couple different ways: 1. Choose a simple object and take a good look at it. Feel it to understand the shape. Put the object out of sight and draw it from memory. Decorate your drawing. 2. For a silly challenge, put on the blindfold and try to draw the object. Two people can try to draw the object at the same time. Take off your blindfold and decorate your drawing. Ready? Have fun! Development- fine motor, social/emotional development, memory, problem solving |
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
PTS Challenge of the Day
You will need... - a piece of paper - things you have collected from outside - glue (optional) Go outside and collect... 10 sticks 5 leaves 3 flowers 3 small rocks Anything else you can find Challenge- Create a picture on the paper with all the things you collected outside. Use the found objects as loose parts and rearrange your items to create many different pictures. Tell a story about the picture you created. If you find an arrangement you really want to save, glue it to the paper. Development- fine motor, gross motor, imagination, sensory experience, spatial awareness, language and vocabulary building, social/emotional development |
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
You will need- - A walk around your neighborhood or in your own backyard to find spring flowers - A bowl or a pot - A soup ladle, whisk, or measuring spoons set. SPRING FLOWER SOUP Fill a bowl with water add the flowers you found. You can also tear the flowers into parts. Stir with your favorite kitchen tool and ta- dah! You made your own spring flower soup!! Challenge- How many flowers did you find? How many colors can you see in your flower soup? Try to make it as colorful as you can. Ready? Have fun!!! Development- fine motor, gross motor, color recognition, sensory experience, language and vocabulary building |
Monday, April 6, 2020
PTS CHALLENGE OF THE DAY! (Make a Cheerio tower)
You will need- -cheerios (Try Fruit loops to add color to your challenge) -dry spaghetti -play-dough or clay Make a ball out of the play-dough or clay and carefully stick the piece of spaghetti in the middle. Challenge- Put the Cheerios on the spaghetti one at a time being careful to not break the spaghetti. I I know it’s going to be tempting to want to eat them while you’re putting them on but wait until the Cheerios reach the top to have a snack. Once you reach the top take the Cheerios off one at a time. Now its ok to eat them if if your parents say it’s OK . Count each one as you take it off. Ready? Good Luck & Have fun! Development- fine motor, mathematical thinking, self-regulation, problem solving, color recognition |
Friday, April 3, 2020
Thursday, April 2, 2020
You will need- - Toothpicks - Marshmallows or play dough Challenge-Help build Pharaoh’s cities. Try to make a structure with the toothpicks and marshmallows. Can you make shapes? A triangle? A square? A cube? A pyramid? Development - fine motor, engineering, problem solving, creativity, hand-eye coordination |
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
PTS challenge of the day!
You will need- -Chalk Draw a hopscotch design and write the numbers inside. Challenge-Today we are going to challenge our bodies by playing hopscotch. Let’s see how well you can balance while hopping. You can also time yourself to see how fast it takes you to hop through it :) Development- gross and fine motor skills, math, balance, spatial awareness |
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
You will need- -Large Baking Pan -Shaving Cream -Food Coloring Challenge- Squirt shaving cream into baking pan. Play with shaving cream. Squirt one color into shaving cream, then add another. Mix colors with hands. Ready? Have fun! Development- color mixing, cause and effect, creativity, experimentation, observation |
Monday, March 30, 2020
You will need- -Painters tape (masking tape will do) -Straw -cotton ball(s) Make a tape road on the floor by creating a lane with borders on each side. Add turns for higher degree(s) of difficulty. Add a START and FINISH line. Challenge- Place the cotton ball at the start and move it forward by blowing into the straw, being careful to stay between the borders. If the cotton ball blows outside the borders, either agree to start over or place it back on the road. Invite a sibling to have a race. Ready, set, go! Development- fine motor, gross motor, engineering, problem solving |
Friday, March 27, 2020
You will need- -Foil -A Baby Moses - a wooden piece, lego, or any small figure you have in the house -A tub of water -Some coins Make a foil basket to float Baby Moses down the Nile River. Challenge- See if you can keep Baby Moses dry. Want more of a challenge? Test how strong your basket is by seeing how many coins it can hold. Ready? Have fun! Development- creativity, logic, fine motor, engineering, problem solving |
Thursday, March 26, 2020
You will need- -Painters tape (masking tape will do) -Building blocks Make a tape square on the floor. Challenge- How many blocks can you fit within your square? Try not to touch the tape or go outside the square. Ready? Have fun! Development- fine motor, math, engineering, problem solving. (Just to name a few.) |